ZEYRENCE PREMIUM Extra Virgin Olive Oil Gourmet Selection- 750-500-250mL GLASS Bottle
ZEYRENCE PREMIUM Extra Virgin Olive Oil Gourmet Selection- 750-500-250mL GLASS Bottle


ZEYRENCE PREMIUM Extra Virgin Olive Oil Gourmet Selection- 750-500-250mL GLASS Bottle

Sale price1.00

Early harvest extra virgin olive oil is distinguished by:

1. Early Picking: Olives are harvested at an early stage of ripeness, typically when they are still green.

2. Robust Flavor: It has a bold and pungent taste with pronounced bitterness and peppery notes.

3. High Antioxidants: Contains elevated levels of beneficial antioxidants, particularly polyphenols.

4. Low Yield: Early-harvest olives yield less oil but with intensified flavors and health benefits.

5. Exceptional Freshness: Considered the freshest EVOO, preserving the natural essence of the fruit.

6. Versatility: Ideal for enhancing the flavors of salads, grilled vegetables, and dishes where a strong olive taste is desired.

Returns Policy

 PARTIES This Agreement has been established between the parties specified below, within the framework of the provisions and conditions stated below.

  • SELLER Title: Zeyrence Gıda Ticaret Anonim Şirketi Address: Altıntepe Mah. İstasyon Yolu Sk. No: 3 İç Kapı No: 1 Maltepe / İstanbul Mersis No: 0998177585800001 Phone: +90 216 706 12 71 Seller E-Mail: info@zeyrence.com KEP Address: zeyrencegida@hs01.kep.tr
  • BUYER Person to be Delivered: Delivery Address: Phone: Fax: Email/Username:


This Distance Sales Agreement ("Agreement") is prepared in accordance with the Law No. 6502 on Consumer Protection ("Law") and the Regulation on Distance Contracts ("Regulation"). The parties to this Agreement acknowledge and declare that they are aware of and understand their obligations and responsibilities arising from the Law and the Regulation. The subject of this Agreement is the sale and delivery of the products with the qualities specified below, which the BUYER orders electronically from the website https://zeyrence.com/ ("Site") operated by the SELLER, in accordance with the provisions of the Law and the Regulation, determining the rights and obligations of the parties.




The BUYER acknowledges and declares that they have been informed by the SELLER in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement about the essential qualities of the products subject to sale, the sales price, the payment method, the delivery or performance period pledged in commercial advertisements and promotions, the delivery and other information related to performance, any commitments related to these, the resolution methods for complaints by the SELLER, and all preliminary information about the products subject to sale. In cases where the right of withdrawal ("cayma") exists, the conditions, duration, and procedure for exercising this right, as well as information about the carrier designated by the SELLER for returns, and information that the BUYER will bear the loss and damage in case of a return with a carrier other than the one envisaged. The BUYER acknowledges that they have confirmed this preliminary information electronically and subsequently placed the product order in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement.

  • The preliminary information provided by the SELLER on the payment page of the Site and the invoice issued upon the order placed by the BUYER are integral parts of this Agreement.
  • SUBJECT AND BASIC QUALITIES OF THE PRODUCT AND SERVICE, AND PRICE (INCLUDING VAT) OF THE AGREEMENT The basic features of the products; type and category, quantity, brand/model/color, number, unit price(s), and the sales price along with payment (collection) information, shipping fee, invoice information, and delivery details, including the delivery location notified by the BUYER, are as follows. The products generally include olives, olive oil, and derivatives.
  • Product DescriptionQTYPriceTotal    Shipping Price   Total:   Order Price   İnvoice Person   İnvoice Adress   Purchase Plan   Shipping Date   Lastes Situation   Shipping Adress   Shipping Person   


The prices presented to the BUYER are the total sales prices including all taxes. The prices listed and announced on the website are valid until changed. Prices and campaigns announced by the SELLER for a limited time are valid until the specified period expires.


The total sales price of the product, whether cash or installment, is the price stated on the order form, the information email sent after the order, and the invoice sent to the customer online or with the product. Discounts, coupons, shipping fees, and other practices made by the SELLER are reflected in the sales price.


This Agreement comes into effect with the electronic approval of the BUYER and is deemed fulfilled with the delivery of the product purchased by the BUYER from the SELLER to the BUYER. The product will be delivered to the address and to the authorized person(s) specified by the BUYER in the order form and this Agreement.

The product/products will be delivered to the delivery point chosen by the BUYER by the logistics company agreed upon by the SELLER. The SELLER shares the shipment region of the logistics company with the BUYER. If the delivery address of the BUYER is outside the shipment region, the SELLER has the right to cancel the order. In case of order cancellation, if the product price has been collected, it will be refunded to the BUYER. If the BUYER requests the product to be sent with a different courier other than the one specified by the SELLER, the SELLER will not be held responsible for any loss or damage that may occur after the delivery of the product to the relevant courier.

In the event of order cancellations by the BUYER after the product has been shipped by the SELLER but before being received by the BUYER, the BUYER is responsible for the shipping cost.

In areas where the courier delivers once a week, there may be deviations from the specified day in cases of errors and deficiencies in the dispatch information, certain social events, and natural disasters. Due to these deviations, the BUYER cannot hold the SELLER responsible.

If the product is to be delivered to another person/organization other than the BUYER, the SELLER is not responsible for any extra shipping costs arising from the recipient's refusal to accept the delivery, errors in the dispatch information, and/or the absence of the BUYER. If the product/products have not reached the customer within the specified days, delivery problems should be reported to customer service immediately by email at info@zeyrence.com.

The BUYER is responsible for checking the product upon delivery; they will not accept damaged and defective products, such as dented, broken, torn packaging, etc. When the BUYER sees a problem caused by the courier, they are responsible for not accepting the product and making a report to the courier company representative. If the package is not accepted and a report is drawn up, the situation must be reported to the SELLER Customer Service at info@zeyrence.com with the remaining copy of the report as soon as possible. Otherwise, the SELLER will not accept responsibility.



Unless otherwise specified, the delivery costs of the product are borne by the BUYER. If the SELLER declares on the Site that the delivery fee will be covered by the SELLER, the delivery costs will be borne by the SELLER. The delivery of the product is made after the payment is completed within the committed period, provided that the SELLER's stock is available. The SELLER delivers the product within 30 (thirty) days from the date the product is ordered by the BUYER, except in cases where the performance of the contract becomes impossible due to reasons such as the request of the BUYER or the preparation of goods specifically for personal needs, with the reservation of situations related to products. If for any reason the price of the product is not paid by the BUYER or the payment made is canceled in the bank records, the SELLER is considered released from the obligation to deliver the product. In cases where the performance of the contract becomes impossible for the product subject to the order, the SELLER will inform the BUYER within 3 (three) days from the date it learns about this and will refund all payments, including delivery costs, within 14 (fourteen) days at the latest from the notification date.


The BUYER can only use the methods specified on the Site to make payments (such as credit and debit cards, if available, cash on delivery, etc.). The time when orders are processed is not the moment the order is placed but the moment when the necessary collection reaches the SELLER's bank accounts. The BUYER accepts, declares, and undertakes that, due to the use of only bank credit cards belonging to banks in the installment sales, they will confirm the relevant interest rates and information about default interest separately from their bank, and according to the current legislation, the provisions regarding interest and default interest will be applied between the bank and the BUYER within the scope of the credit card agreement. Installment/payment opportunities provided by institutions such as banks and financing companies, such as credit cards, installment cards, etc., are installment payment opportunities provided by a credit and/or installment payment institution; in this context, product sales in which the SELLER completely collects the fee are not considered installment sales within the scope of this Agreement, but cash sales. After the delivery of the product, if the buyer's credit card is used by unauthorized persons for unfair or unlawful use not caused by the buyer's fault, the buyer is obliged to return the product to the SELLER within 3 (three) days, provided that the product is delivered to them. In this case, delivery costs are borne by the BUYER.


The BUYER, by entering into this Agreement, confirms that they have obtained accurate and complete information about the address, basic characteristics of the products ordered, the price of the products including taxes, payment, and delivery information that must be provided by the SELLER to the BUYER before the conclusion of distance contracts. The BUYER can convey their requests and complaints as a consumer using the communication information of the SELLER specified above/on the Site.


The SELLER accepts, declares, and undertakes that they will deliver the product, complete, in compliance with the specified qualifications, and, if any, with warranty documents, usage manuals, and all information and documents required for the job in accordance with the legal regulations, with accuracy and honesty during the performance of this Agreement. The SELLER can supply a different product of equal quality and price with the express consent of the BUYER by informing the BUYER before the expiration of the performance obligation arising from the Contract. If the SELLER cannot deliver the product within the committed period due to force majeure or extraordinary situations preventing the shipment, they are obliged to inform the BUYER within 3 (three) days from the date they learn about this situation. If the product subject to the contract is to be delivered to someone other than the BUYER, the SELLER cannot be held responsible for the refusal of the person/organization to accept the delivery.


The BUYER can exercise their right of withdrawal within 14 (fourteen) days from the date of receipt of the goods without undertaking any legal and criminal liability and without giving any reason. The BUYER can also exercise the right of withdrawal within the period from the establishment of the Contract until the delivery of the goods. The calculation of the period for the right of withdrawal is based on the single item in cases where separate goods are delivered individually, the day the last goods are received by the BUYER or the third party determined by the BUYER; in cases where goods consisting of more than one part are delivered, the day the last part is received by the BUYER or the third party determined by the BUYER; for contracts where goods are delivered regularly for a certain period, the day the first goods are received by the BUYER or the third party determined by the BUYER. The BUYER will notify the SELLER of their exercise of the right of withdrawal within the 14-day period specified in this Article by the methods specified on the Site/in the relevant notification to the SELLER, such as telephone and e-mail. The BUYER must return the product within (10) ten days from the date of exercising the right of withdrawal. The product must be returned with the original invoice, if any, and the return form containing the statement "that the products are returned due to the right of withdrawal" to the contracted cargo company. If the product is not returned within the specified period, the SELLER will not be responsible for the return process. The BUYER is not responsible for the changes and deteriorations that may occur if the product is used in accordance with its functioning, technical specifications, and usage instructions during the exercise of the right of withdrawal. The SELLER is obliged to refund all payments, including the delivery costs, within 14 (fourteen) days from the date of receipt of the product, which is the subject of the right of withdrawal, by the carrier mentioned in the Pre-Information Form, provided that it is delivered to the SELLER. However, in case the BUYER returns the product with a carrier other than the one specified by the SELLER, this obligation will start from the date the product reaches the SELLER. The BUYER must return the product they will return to the SELLER to the SELLER with the original invoice, if any, and with the return form stating that the product is returned within 10 (ten) days from the date they exercise their right of withdrawal. If the product is not returned within this period, the SELLER will not be responsible for the return process. If the BUYER makes a return without waiting for the approval of the support team, the shipping fee will not be paid by the SELLER. The SELLER will not be responsible for returns made without approval.

If the withdrawal is due to the fact that the total amount of the campaign limit set by the SELLER is below the campaign limit due to the use of the campaign, the discount amount used within the scope of the campaign will be canceled.



In accordance with the regulations, the BUYER does not have the right of withdrawal in the following cases:

a) Contracts related to goods or services whose prices vary due to fluctuations in financial markets and are not under the control of the SELLER (e.g., products in the jewelry, gold, and silver categories); b) Contracts for the delivery of goods that are not suitable for return due to their nature, which are prepared according to the wishes of the BUYER or explicitly for their personal needs, and which are perishable or have the risk of expiration after delivery; c) Products whose protective elements such as packaging, tape, seal, package have been opened after delivery; contracts for the delivery of goods that are not suitable for return for health and hygiene reasons; d) Contracts for goods that are mixed with other products after delivery and cannot be separated by their nature; e) Contracts for books, audio or visual recordings presented in a material environment, software programs, and computer consumables, provided that they are opened by the BUYER, with the condition of having packaging, tape, seal, package opened; f) Contracts for the delivery of periodicals such as newspapers and magazines, excluding those provided under a subscription agreement; g) Contracts for the utilization of leisure time for accommodation, goods transportation, car rental, food and beverage supply, and entertainment or relaxation purposes, which must be performed on a specific date or period; h) Contracts for services performed electronically instantly and non-material goods delivered instantly to the consumer; i) Contracts for services that have started to be performed with the approval of the consumer before the expiration of the right of withdrawal; j) Contracts for services related to betting, lottery, and similar games of chance; k) The right of withdrawal cannot be exercised for goods or services excluded from the scope of the Distance Contracts Regulation (such as daily consumption items delivered to the consumer's residence or workplace by the SELLER's regular deliveries in the areas specified as food and beverages).

In accordance with Article 13/2 of the Regulation, the BUYER is not responsible for changes and deterioration arising from the proper use of the product in terms of its operation, technical specifications, and usage instructions during the withdrawal period.


Unforeseen and uncontrollable circumstances that did not exist at the time the contract entered into force, which arise outside the control of the SELLER, and make it impossible, in whole or in part, for the SELLER to fulfill the debt and obligations imposed by the Contract or to fulfill them in a timely manner, will be considered force majeure (natural disasters, war, terrorism, rebellion, confiscation, strike, lockout, significant breakdowns in production and communication facilities, etc.).

The SELLER will notify the BUYER in writing within (3) three days from the date they learn about the force majeure. The SELLER will not be liable for the non-fulfillment of their obligations due to force majeure during its continuation. If this force majeure situation continues for (30) thirty days, the parties will have the unilateral right to terminate this Agreement.


In case of default by the BUYER in transactions made with a credit card, the cardholder bank may require interest in accordance with the credit card agreement it has made with the BUYER and may hold the BUYER responsible. In this case, the relevant bank may resort to legal remedies; demand the expenses and attorney's fees incurred and in any case, the BUYER will be responsible for the damages suffered by the SELLER due to the delayed performance of the BUYER's debt.


Any correspondence between the parties under this Agreement will be made electronically or through the Site, except for mandatory cases specified in the legislation.


The BUYER can apply to the Provincial or District Consumer Arbitration Committees or Consumer Courts where they purchased the product or where their residence is located against the SELLER (depending on the values announced by the Ministry of Commerce).

This Agreement, consisting of (16) sixteen articles, has been concluded and entered into force on the same date by being read and approved electronically by the parties.

SELLER: Zeyrence Food Trading Joint Stock Company


Translated from Turkish for informational purposes. In case of any discrepancies, the Turkish version shall prevail.


Returns Policy

 PARTIES This Agreement has been established between the parties specified below, within the framework of the provisions and conditions stated below.

  • SELLER Title: Zeyrence Gıda Ticaret Anonim Şirketi Address: Altıntepe Mah. İstasyon Yolu Sk. No: 3 İç Kapı No: 1 Maltepe / İstanbul Mersis No: 0998177585800001 Phone: +90 216 706 12 71 Seller E-Mail: info@zeyrence.com KEP Address: zeyrencegida@hs01.kep.tr
  • BUYER Person to be Delivered: Delivery Address: Phone: Fax: Email/Username:


This Distance Sales Agreement ("Agreement") is prepared in accordance with the Law No. 6502 on Consumer Protection ("Law") and the Regulation on Distance Contracts ("Regulation"). The parties to this Agreement acknowledge and declare that they are aware of and understand their obligations and responsibilities arising from the Law and the Regulation. The subject of this Agreement is the sale and delivery of the products with the qualities specified below, which the BUYER orders electronically from the website https://zeyrence.com/ ("Site") operated by the SELLER, in accordance with the provisions of the Law and the Regulation, determining the rights and obligations of the parties.




The BUYER acknowledges and declares that they have been informed by the SELLER in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement about the essential qualities of the products subject to sale, the sales price, the payment method, the delivery or performance period pledged in commercial advertisements and promotions, the delivery and other information related to performance, any commitments related to these, the resolution methods for complaints by the SELLER, and all preliminary information about the products subject to sale. In cases where the right of withdrawal ("cayma") exists, the conditions, duration, and procedure for exercising this right, as well as information about the carrier designated by the SELLER for returns, and information that the BUYER will bear the loss and damage in case of a return with a carrier other than the one envisaged. The BUYER acknowledges that they have confirmed this preliminary information electronically and subsequently placed the product order in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement.

  • The preliminary information provided by the SELLER on the payment page of the Site and the invoice issued upon the order placed by the BUYER are integral parts of this Agreement.
  • SUBJECT AND BASIC QUALITIES OF THE PRODUCT AND SERVICE, AND PRICE (INCLUDING VAT) OF THE AGREEMENT The basic features of the products; type and category, quantity, brand/model/color, number, unit price(s), and the sales price along with payment (collection) information, shipping fee, invoice information, and delivery details, including the delivery location notified by the BUYER, are as follows. The products generally include olives, olive oil, and derivatives.
  • Product DescriptionQTYPriceTotal    Shipping Price   Total:   Order Price   İnvoice Person   İnvoice Adress   Purchase Plan   Shipping Date   Lastes Situation   Shipping Adress   Shipping Person   


The prices presented to the BUYER are the total sales prices including all taxes. The prices listed and announced on the website are valid until changed. Prices and campaigns announced by the SELLER for a limited time are valid until the specified period expires.


The total sales price of the product, whether cash or installment, is the price stated on the order form, the information email sent after the order, and the invoice sent to the customer online or with the product. Discounts, coupons, shipping fees, and other practices made by the SELLER are reflected in the sales price.


This Agreement comes into effect with the electronic approval of the BUYER and is deemed fulfilled with the delivery of the product purchased by the BUYER from the SELLER to the BUYER. The product will be delivered to the address and to the authorized person(s) specified by the BUYER in the order form and this Agreement.

The product/products will be delivered to the delivery point chosen by the BUYER by the logistics company agreed upon by the SELLER. The SELLER shares the shipment region of the logistics company with the BUYER. If the delivery address of the BUYER is outside the shipment region, the SELLER has the right to cancel the order. In case of order cancellation, if the product price has been collected, it will be refunded to the BUYER. If the BUYER requests the product to be sent with a different courier other than the one specified by the SELLER, the SELLER will not be held responsible for any loss or damage that may occur after the delivery of the product to the relevant courier.

In the event of order cancellations by the BUYER after the product has been shipped by the SELLER but before being received by the BUYER, the BUYER is responsible for the shipping cost.

In areas where the courier delivers once a week, there may be deviations from the specified day in cases of errors and deficiencies in the dispatch information, certain social events, and natural disasters. Due to these deviations, the BUYER cannot hold the SELLER responsible.

If the product is to be delivered to another person/organization other than the BUYER, the SELLER is not responsible for any extra shipping costs arising from the recipient's refusal to accept the delivery, errors in the dispatch information, and/or the absence of the BUYER. If the product/products have not reached the customer within the specified days, delivery problems should be reported to customer service immediately by email at info@zeyrence.com.

The BUYER is responsible for checking the product upon delivery; they will not accept damaged and defective products, such as dented, broken, torn packaging, etc. When the BUYER sees a problem caused by the courier, they are responsible for not accepting the product and making a report to the courier company representative. If the package is not accepted and a report is drawn up, the situation must be reported to the SELLER Customer Service at info@zeyrence.com with the remaining copy of the report as soon as possible. Otherwise, the SELLER will not accept responsibility.



Unless otherwise specified, the delivery costs of the product are borne by the BUYER. If the SELLER declares on the Site that the delivery fee will be covered by the SELLER, the delivery costs will be borne by the SELLER. The delivery of the product is made after the payment is completed within the committed period, provided that the SELLER's stock is available. The SELLER delivers the product within 30 (thirty) days from the date the product is ordered by the BUYER, except in cases where the performance of the contract becomes impossible due to reasons such as the request of the BUYER or the preparation of goods specifically for personal needs, with the reservation of situations related to products. If for any reason the price of the product is not paid by the BUYER or the payment made is canceled in the bank records, the SELLER is considered released from the obligation to deliver the product. In cases where the performance of the contract becomes impossible for the product subject to the order, the SELLER will inform the BUYER within 3 (three) days from the date it learns about this and will refund all payments, including delivery costs, within 14 (fourteen) days at the latest from the notification date.


The BUYER can only use the methods specified on the Site to make payments (such as credit and debit cards, if available, cash on delivery, etc.). The time when orders are processed is not the moment the order is placed but the moment when the necessary collection reaches the SELLER's bank accounts. The BUYER accepts, declares, and undertakes that, due to the use of only bank credit cards belonging to banks in the installment sales, they will confirm the relevant interest rates and information about default interest separately from their bank, and according to the current legislation, the provisions regarding interest and default interest will be applied between the bank and the BUYER within the scope of the credit card agreement. Installment/payment opportunities provided by institutions such as banks and financing companies, such as credit cards, installment cards, etc., are installment payment opportunities provided by a credit and/or installment payment institution; in this context, product sales in which the SELLER completely collects the fee are not considered installment sales within the scope of this Agreement, but cash sales. After the delivery of the product, if the buyer's credit card is used by unauthorized persons for unfair or unlawful use not caused by the buyer's fault, the buyer is obliged to return the product to the SELLER within 3 (three) days, provided that the product is delivered to them. In this case, delivery costs are borne by the BUYER.


The BUYER, by entering into this Agreement, confirms that they have obtained accurate and complete information about the address, basic characteristics of the products ordered, the price of the products including taxes, payment, and delivery information that must be provided by the SELLER to the BUYER before the conclusion of distance contracts. The BUYER can convey their requests and complaints as a consumer using the communication information of the SELLER specified above/on the Site.


The SELLER accepts, declares, and undertakes that they will deliver the product, complete, in compliance with the specified qualifications, and, if any, with warranty documents, usage manuals, and all information and documents required for the job in accordance with the legal regulations, with accuracy and honesty during the performance of this Agreement. The SELLER can supply a different product of equal quality and price with the express consent of the BUYER by informing the BUYER before the expiration of the performance obligation arising from the Contract. If the SELLER cannot deliver the product within the committed period due to force majeure or extraordinary situations preventing the shipment, they are obliged to inform the BUYER within 3 (three) days from the date they learn about this situation. If the product subject to the contract is to be delivered to someone other than the BUYER, the SELLER cannot be held responsible for the refusal of the person/organization to accept the delivery.


The BUYER can exercise their right of withdrawal within 14 (fourteen) days from the date of receipt of the goods without undertaking any legal and criminal liability and without giving any reason. The BUYER can also exercise the right of withdrawal within the period from the establishment of the Contract until the delivery of the goods. The calculation of the period for the right of withdrawal is based on the single item in cases where separate goods are delivered individually, the day the last goods are received by the BUYER or the third party determined by the BUYER; in cases where goods consisting of more than one part are delivered, the day the last part is received by the BUYER or the third party determined by the BUYER; for contracts where goods are delivered regularly for a certain period, the day the first goods are received by the BUYER or the third party determined by the BUYER. The BUYER will notify the SELLER of their exercise of the right of withdrawal within the 14-day period specified in this Article by the methods specified on the Site/in the relevant notification to the SELLER, such as telephone and e-mail. The BUYER must return the product within (10) ten days from the date of exercising the right of withdrawal. The product must be returned with the original invoice, if any, and the return form containing the statement "that the products are returned due to the right of withdrawal" to the contracted cargo company. If the product is not returned within the specified period, the SELLER will not be responsible for the return process. The BUYER is not responsible for the changes and deteriorations that may occur if the product is used in accordance with its functioning, technical specifications, and usage instructions during the exercise of the right of withdrawal. The SELLER is obliged to refund all payments, including the delivery costs, within 14 (fourteen) days from the date of receipt of the product, which is the subject of the right of withdrawal, by the carrier mentioned in the Pre-Information Form, provided that it is delivered to the SELLER. However, in case the BUYER returns the product with a carrier other than the one specified by the SELLER, this obligation will start from the date the product reaches the SELLER. The BUYER must return the product they will return to the SELLER to the SELLER with the original invoice, if any, and with the return form stating that the product is returned within 10 (ten) days from the date they exercise their right of withdrawal. If the product is not returned within this period, the SELLER will not be responsible for the return process. If the BUYER makes a return without waiting for the approval of the support team, the shipping fee will not be paid by the SELLER. The SELLER will not be responsible for returns made without approval.

If the withdrawal is due to the fact that the total amount of the campaign limit set by the SELLER is below the campaign limit due to the use of the campaign, the discount amount used within the scope of the campaign will be canceled.



In accordance with the regulations, the BUYER does not have the right of withdrawal in the following cases:

a) Contracts related to goods or services whose prices vary due to fluctuations in financial markets and are not under the control of the SELLER (e.g., products in the jewelry, gold, and silver categories); b) Contracts for the delivery of goods that are not suitable for return due to their nature, which are prepared according to the wishes of the BUYER or explicitly for their personal needs, and which are perishable or have the risk of expiration after delivery; c) Products whose protective elements such as packaging, tape, seal, package have been opened after delivery; contracts for the delivery of goods that are not suitable for return for health and hygiene reasons; d) Contracts for goods that are mixed with other products after delivery and cannot be separated by their nature; e) Contracts for books, audio or visual recordings presented in a material environment, software programs, and computer consumables, provided that they are opened by the BUYER, with the condition of having packaging, tape, seal, package opened; f) Contracts for the delivery of periodicals such as newspapers and magazines, excluding those provided under a subscription agreement; g) Contracts for the utilization of leisure time for accommodation, goods transportation, car rental, food and beverage supply, and entertainment or relaxation purposes, which must be performed on a specific date or period; h) Contracts for services performed electronically instantly and non-material goods delivered instantly to the consumer; i) Contracts for services that have started to be performed with the approval of the consumer before the expiration of the right of withdrawal; j) Contracts for services related to betting, lottery, and similar games of chance; k) The right of withdrawal cannot be exercised for goods or services excluded from the scope of the Distance Contracts Regulation (such as daily consumption items delivered to the consumer's residence or workplace by the SELLER's regular deliveries in the areas specified as food and beverages).

In accordance with Article 13/2 of the Regulation, the BUYER is not responsible for changes and deterioration arising from the proper use of the product in terms of its operation, technical specifications, and usage instructions during the withdrawal period.


Unforeseen and uncontrollable circumstances that did not exist at the time the contract entered into force, which arise outside the control of the SELLER, and make it impossible, in whole or in part, for the SELLER to fulfill the debt and obligations imposed by the Contract or to fulfill them in a timely manner, will be considered force majeure (natural disasters, war, terrorism, rebellion, confiscation, strike, lockout, significant breakdowns in production and communication facilities, etc.).

The SELLER will notify the BUYER in writing within (3) three days from the date they learn about the force majeure. The SELLER will not be liable for the non-fulfillment of their obligations due to force majeure during its continuation. If this force majeure situation continues for (30) thirty days, the parties will have the unilateral right to terminate this Agreement.


In case of default by the BUYER in transactions made with a credit card, the cardholder bank may require interest in accordance with the credit card agreement it has made with the BUYER and may hold the BUYER responsible. In this case, the relevant bank may resort to legal remedies; demand the expenses and attorney's fees incurred and in any case, the BUYER will be responsible for the damages suffered by the SELLER due to the delayed performance of the BUYER's debt.


Any correspondence between the parties under this Agreement will be made electronically or through the Site, except for mandatory cases specified in the legislation.


The BUYER can apply to the Provincial or District Consumer Arbitration Committees or Consumer Courts where they purchased the product or where their residence is located against the SELLER (depending on the values announced by the Ministry of Commerce).

This Agreement, consisting of (16) sixteen articles, has been concluded and entered into force on the same date by being read and approved electronically by the parties.

SELLER: Zeyrence Food Trading Joint Stock Company


Translated from Turkish for informational purposes. In case of any discrepancies, the Turkish version shall prevail.



We package our products, which we produce at the highest quality, untouched by human beings. We are working with all our strength to provide a better service to our customers every day. If you have any questions, you can find answers here or contact us here.


We package our products, which we produce at the highest quality, untouched by human beings. We are working with all our strength to provide a better service to our customers every day. If you have any questions, you can find answers here or contact us here.


You may need to contact us if you have a problem or something on your mind. You can contact us here.


You may need to contact us if you have a problem or something on your mind. You can contact us here.